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'The Relationship Between the European Court of Human Rights and National Constitutional Courts?'
'The Relationship Between the European Court of Human Rights and National Constitutional Courts?'...
Video message from President Spano for the XVIIIth Congress of the European Constitutional Courts
Protecting human rights and preserving civil liberties: The role of courts in a democracy
Dr. Lars Karlander “Direct horizontal effect of EU Fundamental Rights: problems and possibilities”
B. Oręziak - Role of Constitutional Courts in Migration and Refugee Affairs. Central European...
Judicial Transformations: The Rights Revolution In The Courts Of Europe by Mitchel Lasser
Human rights vs. Rule of Law [12.11.2020]
Webinar: Role of the Constitutional Court in ensuring the conformity of national law with the EU law
Dr. Nicola Lupo “The legality principle in the dialogue between European and Italian Courts”
A. Stępkowski - Determining and Reclaiming of the Constitutional Identity
Russia and the European Court of Human Rights: Implications for U.S. Policy_ part 1